Eight Writing Process Essays
Eight Writing Process Essays includes eight on-demand diagnostic essays and eight corresponding writing process essays, each aligned to the Common Core Anchor Standards for Writing. All the resources for each stage of the writing process that teachers need for in-class and distance (virtual) learning!
Four essays feature informative/explanatory (Writing 2.0) writing prompts with these key writing direction words: examine, explain, compare and contrast, and analyze. Four essays feature argumentative (Writing 1.0) writing prompts: evaluate, justify, persuade, and argue.
As the commercial says, "Have it Your Way." Choose among these format options in your download: printed worksheets or Google slides. Use the Google Comments feature in Google slides to insert writing feedback!
All program components are digital downloads (no print books).
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Following are step-by-step directions for each essay. The teacher may choose to complete some or all of the steps of the writing process:
1. Students complete the timed (60 minutes) On-Demand Diagnostic Essay Assessment. The teacher scores and records the essay for each essay component on the analytical (not holistic) rubric.
2. Students begin the writing process essay by dissecting the writing prompt with the WHO, WHAT, HOW, DO strategies.
3. Students use the SCRIP Comprehension cueing prompts to read and take margin notes on the Resource Text. These connected readings and documents are designed as “real life” resources: a poem, a history text excerpt, a blog post and magazine excerpt, a biographical novel excerpt, an advertisement, a voter's pamphlet, a science text excerpt, a song and newspaper editorial with a letter to the editor.
4. Students use the Open Mind brainstorming technique and plan their body paragraphs on a graphic organizer.
5. Students complete rough drafts of their essays with the Introduction Strategies, Types of Evidence, and Conclusion Strategy resources.
6. Students and writing partners refine their essays with the Response, Revision, and Edit resources and complete a formative assessment with specific feedback on the analytical rubric.
7. The teacher provides written feedback. Students submit their final drafts, and the teacher completes the summative assessment on the analytical rubric.
Eight Writing Process Essays applies the skills learned in How to Teach Essays and the additional practice to differentiate instruction in Essay Skills Worksheets. Check out these printable and digital companion programs: How to Teach Essays includes the step-by-step instruction and practice students need to learn how to write effective introduction, body, and conclusion paragraphs. Essay Skills Worksheets provides differentiated practice for both remedial and advanced writing skill development. Teachers may purchase all three programs with the value-priced TEACHING ESSAYS BUNDLE.
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